Curated Collections by yours, truly

hey, i'm emily!

I'm so happy you're here, shopping secondhand instead of buying new. I might not know you personally, but I do know two things about you - you care about responsible fashion AND you have good taste ;)

About me:

⌓ always barefoot

⌓ granola girl / hippie dippie through and through

⌓ homemade maple latte is the way to my heart

⌓ my favorite things to thrift are cozy neutrals


Shop Well is an online secondhand shop based out of Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Our mission is to inspire others to shop secondhand before buying new. Each week, I bring you a collection of quality, thoughtfully sourced secondhand clothing.

  • Less is More

    We focus on quality over quantity and timeless pieces instead of trendy.

  • Responsible Fashion

    We believe that shopping secondhand is the most sustainable way to shop. These clothes are already out there in the world so let's keep them out of our landfills and give them new life!

  • Community

    Beyond helping you shop more sustainably, our goal is to build a community of like-minded individuals who will encourage others to shop secondhand too.